July 5, 2022

Figure 1: Screenshot of mentor's advice.
I submitted my blog draft to the mentors and received THE BEST advice. I was surprised and so grateful for the help. I was matched with a mentor who is also an experienced realtor with 20 years of experience so she was able to provide with some very valuable advice. And it was so thorough, I was humbled by the time she took to review my draft.
That being said, I have a lot of work left to do. It does appear I chose a topic that requires a bit more work to make it appropriate for the platform, but thats what makes it more likely to get published (assuming my writing is stellar!). I've got a lot of work cut out for me, so I begin by mapping out my draft and figuring out what areas to focus on first. I need to re-research some of these areas and tighten up some of the gaps I've created. Overall, great advice and I am really hoping I can create something marvelous out of this.